Meet Up with Marsi

Zen During Quarantine

During this time of uncertainty many are dealing with anxiety and fear. I wanted to offer some real life advice that I hope helps during this unprecedented time. The idea came to me when I was asked to speak on a virtual panel of other wedding professionals last night. The topic was “how to zen” during a time of high stress.

To be completely honest, I’m not really a zen kind of girl.

Anyone who knows me knows I run fast and hot and “zen” is not really a word that describes me! But if you’re an on-the-go gal like me, then staying at home forces you to rest and reflect at little. Looking at one of the definitions of zen is a state of calm attentiveness.

So the question becomes how do you bring calm through by being mindful and attentive? I found the answer to be the three R’s: Restore, Reflect and Reinvent


This can mean a typical “self care” pampering or other ways of restoring body and mind through exercise, meditation, reading and enjoying a little quiet time. Now if you’re sheltering in place with family, you might not find as many moments to “zen out”, but take time for yourself even if it's just a little while. Brite is even offering personalized, virtual hair and makeup lessons, so you can treat yourself and learn a new skill all at the same time.


One temptation during this time is to play the compare game and begin to put unrealistic expectations on yourself. We are bombarded by information and opportunities on social and the web, but be true to yourself.

I have a friend who loves to run, and during this time he is running a 10k every other day. That’s his way, yet definitely not mine. It’s easy to say to yourself, “Well, I have the time, I can prep for a 10k!” And sure, if your soul is calling you to that do it, but don’t do it because you “ought to”. In fact, drop all the shoulds, coulds, ought to’s, wish for, and any other words I call “dead words.” Instead, DO. In fact, even “try” is a dead word. I absolutely hate it. To quote the great Yoda,

DO or do not but there is no try. Try gives you an excuse not to DO.
— Yoda

Now sure, you’re not going to do something perfectly every time. You will make mistakes and you will attempt to do something, achieve a goal and still fall short. That doesn’t mean you “tried,” it means you DID and that’s awesome! So restore by doing what makes sense for you. I love to walk, and now my hubby and I have time to take walks together that we didn’t have time for before. So brisk walks are restorative both for our bodies and our emotional connection. And remember, you can restore simply by being.


Through taking time to look over your personal and professional life. Start with gratitude. Think about all that you have and look at the positive. What is working really well in your family and relationships? What is working great in your career or business?

Then look at opportunities for growth and things that could use a little TLC. This is a great time to nurture relationships that have gotten a little quiet. This is also a great time to improve systems and processes. What systems could use a tune up in your personal life and professional life? Budgets need a once-over? Asses your goals and take time to write them down, visualize them and create a vision board.


A fun exercise to do is to reflect over your dreams as a kid. What did you want to be when you grew up? What did you want from life? How did you want to impact this world and how did you want to make it a better place because you lived here? Those childlike desires can be an incredible compass in creating your purpose and fulfillment. For me, I wanted to be the President of the United States. I remember at a young age seeing so many situations that seemed wrong in the world and in my mind the best way to solve them was to run for office.

Now, as an adult I know I wouldn’t want to or have the capability to become president, but instead, I became president of my own company and that gives me so many chances today and in the future to improve lives. Although I make mistakes, I learn as fast as I can to do better next time!


Yourself and your business, if applicable. You’ve taken the time to restore and reflect so how can you pivot? During a crisis is when growth happens! So, opportunity lies in front of you today!! In our business, we have taken the time to improve the website, make hair and makeup tutorials and launch a digital platform so we can continue to offer the best in hairstyling, makeup and overall beauty!

So during Covid19, during the coronavirus pandemic, how can you become the best version of you?


Dirty Hair, Don't Care!

Your ultimate guide on how to style between those dreaded wash days..

Ladies, let's be real, the number of us who actually wash our hair every single day is VERY slim. Grant it there are some people out there that either 1. HAVE to wash it every day due to their hair type or 2. They’re over achievers. However, did you know it’s actually GOOD to give your hair a break and not wash it every day? 


Also, if you have color treated hair, less washing means less fading which means less trips to the salon and more $$$ in your pocket. So as you can see, there are many benefits to not washing your hair. Take it from us. 

In fact, Marsi has her ‘in between wash days’ routine down to a real science. So if one of your main concerns is making the most of your hair before the next wash, save this article for future use and thank us later. Here’s your ultimate guide to how to style those dirty locks every day.


Utilize your fresh hair!
Day one will be the easiest for most people because most of us tend to wear our hair down when it's fresh and clean! So you will probably do whatever you normally do after a wash. 

BRITE TIP: If you struggle with frizz, our favorite silkening gloss by Kenra will give your hair that perfectly smooth texture. 


Dry shampoo for the win!
It’s time to hit it with the dry shampoo, and our personal favorite is this product by Amika. It smells amazing, works for all hair types, gives you that extra boost and volume and no one would ever know you didn’t wash your hair. 

BRITE TIP: The trick to using dry shampoo and not getting any white residue in your roots is to hold the can about 8 to 12 inches away from your head and don’t just spray in the roots...Feel free to use it like you would hairspray! 

To ensure hair will hold for a second day we use Kenras’ Platinum Working Spray 14. It’s a medium hold spray and adds just enough security without looking too stiff. 

DAY THREE: Tuesday

Throw it up, throw it a pony!

It’s day 3 and your hair may feel a little more greasy, but that gives it some great texture for an updo! Not sure what to do? No worries. Here’s your step by step guide to achieving that perfect pony:

  1. Gather the top half of your hair and tease at the occipital bone (the bone on the back of your head). Don’t be afraid to be a tease, ladies! 

  2. Pull the top half into a ponytail, leaving the bottom half out. 

  3. Take the bottom half of your hair that was left out and pull it up all together with a fun scrunchy! 

  4. Secure everything with some hairspray and you're ready for the day! 

If you don’t have enough hair to separate the two pieces, don’t worry! You can still follow step one, pull it all into a pony and throw in a scrunchy or even a fun hair scarf like this one from Favor the Kind. 

DAY FOUR: Wednesday

Messy hair, don’t care!

Today is the perfect day for a cute messy bun. We know this style can be a little tricky to perfect...Sometimes it’s too messy, then other times it’s too polished and perfect! But we have the secret technique to achieving that perfect amount of mess every time. 


Congrats, you made it to wash day! Now that you have the secret formula to making it last, get out there and flaunt your dirty hair! We’ll be right there with you.